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Parent Portal

Smiling woman with three small children sitting on grass

Parents and Families of WPS

Thank you for participating in your child's education! These apps will allow you to monitor your student's progress, absences, pay school fees and more.

black words with orange illustration


Learning Management System and Gradebook to monitor student progress.



Green logo

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus connects you to schools fees, absences and more.



Important Forms

Some of these forms must be filled out every year, and others are for a specific purpose.

Important Dates

OPEN ENROLLMENT | WPS is an Open Enrollment District with two round of registration. Check our Registration page to find out when Open Enrollment begins each year.

BACK TO SCHOOL BBQ + BACKPACK GIVEAWAY | This popular event is held each year at Westminster High School, usually in August. A meal and a backpack filled with supplies will be provided for each child in our district.

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL | Our Board of Education approves a calendar each year. The first day of school is usually in August but our Innovation Schools, ELC@ F.M. Day and Hidden Lake Secondary School have their own calendars.  VIEW ALL CALENDARS

HOMECOMING PARADE | This annual parade involves every school in the district! Each school decorates a float and students throw candy to excited community members along the streets around Westminster High School.

DISTRICT SHOWCASE | This Halloween themed event happens every October at Westminster High School. Families wear costumes and collect candy while learning about their own school and the arts and athletics programs and CTE pathways available at WHS.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL EVENTS | Every August each school sets their own dates for these important informational events. Check with your school to find out when they will be hosting theirs.

WINTER BREAK | The district calendar shows the dates for this annual break.

CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE! | Each Spring this district-wide talent show features competitions like Spelling Bee, Geo Bee, Math Counts as well as a District Art Show. There are dozens of categories for students to participate in such as Athletics and Agility, Innovative Solutions, Career Technical Projects, Performing Arts, Music, Writing and more! 

SPRING BREAK | The district calendar shows the dates for this annual break.

CMAS TESTING | Every year in April WPS schools participate in the state-wide Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests. Students in grades three through eight take the CMAS tests in math and English language arts to assess their progress at the end of the school year.

GRADUATION | Every year in May we get to celebrate the hard work of all of our senior students graduating from Westminster High School and Hidden Lake Secondary School! Your school will provide details.

SUMMER ENRICHMENT | From June through August, WPS offers several opportunities to involve your student in our summer enrichment camps for the arts and athletics. 

Important Requirements

IMMUNIZATIONS | Students must be compliant with the Colorado school immunization law in order to attend school.