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With the help of Dinger the Dinosaur and Colorado Rockies players, Orchard Park Academy students are beginning the new year with a renewed focus on healthy living and ways to take care of their bodies and minds.
“Wellness is a critical part of everyday life for all of us and it’s important that we start these conversations early,” said Melisa Sandoval, Director of Wellness for Westminster Public Schools.
In a fun, interactive program students learned the importance of making good choices about food and exercise and how to avoid peer pressure about the use of drugs and alcohol. Students were also told about the importance of finding new interests and talking with loved ones about things that are on their minds.
Dinger delivered the message in person with the members of the team sending along videotaped messages.
Community liaison Alexis Cano worked with the Rockies to put the event together and says it surpassed all expectations.
“The kids were happy, engaged, and excited to play baseball with Dinger,” she said. “My favorite part was when one of our students received an autographed baseball from Charlie Blackmon.”
For everyone involved, it was a day to remember.